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UpStarters Discovery Camp

UpStarters Discovery Camp - Come during the day OR Rising Seniors stay in the campus dorms!

High School Students - Get A Taste of Entrepreneurship This Summer for FREE!

Come & join us in July for a Multi-Day Camp OR if you are a RISING SENIOR come and Stay on campus at CSUSB University to learn & explore the fundamentals of entrepreneurship with the School of Entrepreneurship this July!
Dive into innovation and entrepreneurship with the Upstarters Discovery Camp at the CSUSB School of Entrepreneurship faculty a a Top 50 Princeton Review ranked program This immersive camp offers a unique platform for aspiring entrepreneurs to engage in hands-on activities, learn from successful entrepreneurs, and gain insights into making ideas a reality.

Why Join?

UpStarters Discovery Campers!

A unique opportunity to dive into a world of sourcing innovation! Learn everything from ideation and planning to marketing and finance, guided by globally recognized experts. Whether you're pursuing a business idea or curious about entrepreneurship, this camp empowers you to unleash creativity and turn dreams into plans.

  • Real Entrepreneur Interaction Be inspired by the stories and experiences of successful entrepreneurs.
  • Interactive Learning 20 hours of entrepreneurial insights through sessions, workshops, and projects.
  • Think Like an Owner™ Develop a strategic, opportunity-seeking mindset.
  • Networking Opportunities Connect with CSUSB's entrepreneurship students, faculty, and an extensive network of alumni and professionals.
  • College Life Preview Get a taste of the vibrant CSUSB campus life.
  • Enhance Your Resume: Showcase your proactive involvement and innovation passion.
  • Discover Your Own Path...
  • Ready to Unleash Your Potential?

  • Don't miss this chance to explore entrepreneurship, develop skills, and experience college life at CSUSB. Whether aiming to launch your venture or infuse innovation into your endeavors, the Upstarters Discovery Camp is your starting line. Apply now and take your first step toward entrepreneurial success. Let's innovate and lead the future together.

CSUSB Student Tours

Coyote Life

Entrepreneurship Activities

Learn & Explore the Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship

  • 20 hours of instruction and experiential learning
  • Mindset - how to Think Like An Owner!™
  • Meet and directly interact with successful local entrepreneurs!
  • Where do ideas come from - problem-solving, creativity, and innovation
  • Power of customer feedback/ validation - vetting your idea
  • Choosing the right startup model for your venture
  • Identifying the right startup resources
  • Avoiding the rookie mistakes
  • Learning takeaways & engaging events

QUESTIONS: For detailed questions or assistance throughout the registration process, please contact Stacey Allis at 909/ 537-3217 or via email at for any questions, cancellations or concerns.

* indicates required field.

Get on Our Interest List for Summer 2024!

Please complete the sign-up form below to express your interest in attending the UpStarters Discovery Camp this June 2024!
This year we will host High School students with a two overnight stay in the campus's newest dorms and enjoy networking events and in-classroom instruction. An early, immersive college preview experience like no other!


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