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Graduate Degree in Entrepreneurship

Invest in an MBA in Entrepreneurship

In the MBA in Entrepreneurship program, our approach is to help facilitate your personal learning by immersing you in the entrepreneurial process. As part of the entrepreneurial program, you will be required to start and run a business and face the risk and rewards of entrepreneurship in real time as opposed to just through case studies or class lectures. You will interact with entrepreneurs, investors and business leaders within the community to learn from their successes and failures. Our faculty engage you in hands-on learning exercises and expect you to apply your skills in interactive sessions.

Outside the classroom, you will work on specific tasks that hone your budding skills, such as developing a business model canvas, business plans, and elevator pitches. During the process, you will discover your personal strengths, weaknesses, motivations and goals. Most importantly, as a future business owner or manager you will discover your entrepreneurial potential, not by simply learning theories, but by experiencing the entrepreneurial process first-hand.

Focus Area in Entrepreneurship - Three (3) Courses

Required Courses - select six (6) units from the following courses:

  1. ENTR 5410 Commercializing Entrepreneurial Innovation (3 units - offered Fall semester):
    Examines the process of commercializing innovations and emerging technologies in entrepreneurial driven companies. Focus on understanding the transition from basic development stages to commercial venture, examining the role of innovation assessment, intellectual property protection, technology transfer and licensing.
  2. ENTR 5450 Resources for the Entrepreneur (3 units - offered Fall/Spring semester):
    Strategies and techniques employed by entrepreneurs to identify and access critical resources. Special emphasis on developing resource projections, negotiation, marshaling internal and external resources and team formation.
  3. ENTR 6230 Exploring Entrepreneurial Opportunities (3 units - offered Spring semester):
    Study of the exploration process for new venture concepts. Focus on examining the tools and processes involved in developing a new venture, including formulation of a sustainable business model, preforming a comprehensive feasibility analysis, concept testing and business planning.
NOTE: For the required courses, we recommend that each student take ENTR 6230 for the required component, and take either ENTR 5450 or ENTR5410 for the remaining requirement. Whichever course is not selected for the requirement can be used for the elective courses below if desired.

Electives – Three (3) units chosen from any JHBC graduate level course (5000 level or above), including the one course not taken above. We recommend the following:

View Course Descriptions

  • ENTR 5410 Commercializing Entrepreneurial Innovation (3 units - offered Fall semester)
  • ENTR 5450 Resources for the Entrepreneur (3 units - offered Fall/Spring semester)
  • ENTR 5470 Managing a Growing Business (3 units - offered Fall/Spring semester)
  • ENTR 5155 Business Consulting (3 units - offered Fall/Spring semester)
  • ENTR 6200 Pitching the New Venture (3 units - offered Spring semester)
  • ENTR 6240 Law and Negotiations for the New Venture (3 units - offered Fall semester)
  • TA 5141 Entrepreneurial Improvisation and Creativity (3 units - offered Fall semester)
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